Claudio Modola Design was incorporated in the year 2000 and is a quintessential Italian Architectural and Interior Design studio whose work is recognised and covered by many of the world’s leading design publications.
Whilst operating as an international studio across East Africa, the Middle East and Europe, Claudio Modola Designs ethos remains very much in line with the renowned “Made in Italy” brand, which prides itself on marrying functionality and flair through masterful design and artisanal attention to detail to produce products of superior quality. This vision is the fundamental principle behind each project the studio undertakes, as it strives for Italian excellence in design irrespective of the architectural or interior design style genre of the project.The attention gained by the studio’s projects has brought commissions from across Africa to the United States and it was due to this diverse geographical spread of clients, that in 2012 the firm took the decision to add to its original bases in Italy and Kenya by opening registered office’s in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and a strategic alliance office in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, after having completed a number of projects in the region.
“Se lo fai bene, durera per sempre” / “If you do it right, it will last forever”
Massimo Vignelli

Over the course of the last two decades, Claudio Modola Design has instinctively developed an interpretive response to the ever changing demands of the luxury architectural and interior design market in which it operates. This approach allows the studio to react in an extremely customised, contemporary manner to the truly global reality of its clientele from its bases in Mombasa, Dubai, Siena and Muscat.
Today we all live in an incredibly multi cultural dimension where distances are shortening and the physical and virtual access to a real-time knowledge undisputedly influences taste, lifestyle, spatial choices, ambitions and the most complex of objectives. Claudio Modola Design’s professional response to this, is firstly one of extreme mobility, but more importantly is the creation of a method of analysis which is undertaken side by side with the client, thereby allowing a comprehensive and mutual understanding of the design vision for the project in which the client is an intrinsic component.
Key members of the studio’s design team are physically present during the preliminary meetings with the senior designer and the client, in order that all involved may “feel the temperature” of the project, understand the path to be followed and acquire a defined objective to pursue. The creative, technical and development phases of the project must be elucidated from the outset in order to ensure an essential harmony within the project’s evolution and thus the success that all parties strive for.
In professional terms, the design studio consistently seeks to melt aesthetic and function with the utmost precision in the uncompromised search for beauty within spaces that inevitably become the “Theatre of Life” irrespective of the properties residential or commercial use.
We believe that our emergence in the international arena as an award winning architectural and interior design studio could be explained by our commitment to respond to our clients in this way.